Students write heartwarming letters to thank veterans
10 April 2020- ANZACspirit
- Mateship
- Courage
Colourful, handwritten notes express gratitude to those who served.
Even though ANZAC Day services have been cancelled, the sacrifice made by veterans is deeply appreciated and will never be forgotten. That’s the message students at St Rita’s College in Clayfield want our Defence community to know this year.
“I thought I would write you a note to say thank you!” wrote Georgia.
“It is because of your courageous efforts that I am free and allowed to enjoy my life without fear. I truly admire everything you have done for not just me but for the whole of Australia. As I can’t watch you march or attend an ANZAC Day ceremony in person, I thought I would put my thanks into words.”
Normally, students from the all-girls school attend services in Brisbane City and Kalinga, but after events were cancelled due to the coronavirus, they decided to express their thanks by writing letters instead.
Students also wrote to members of the community who may be in isolation or on the frontline of the health crisis, sending letters to local hospitals, nursing homes and Meals on Wheels.
“We try and teach the girls about having gratitude for the freedom and enormous opportunities we have because people like our veterans fought for our country,” said Deputy Principal Catherine Allen.
“We were wondering how we could recognise and thank veterans when we couldn’t lay a wreath this year.”
Each year the school chooses a different theme and fortuitously, this year is hope.
“This year our hope is being tested more than it ever has before,” said Catherine.
Students also wished veterans health and happiness during these difficult times, hoping they could draw on fond memories with friends and family to get them through the isolation.
“Wishing you the best during such a tough time for all. Thank you for all you have done throughout your amazing life, allowing others to live the life we have,” wrote Lily.
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