BECOME an auxiliary MEMBER
Even if you haven’t served, you can still make a difference and volunteer to help the veteran community through RSL Queensland's Auxiliary groups.
The word 'auxiliary' means extra power or resource – and there's no doubt our RSL Women's and Citizens' Auxiliaries are forces to be reckoned with!
Our Auxiliaries are groups of volunteers who work closely with their local RSL Sub Branches, raising funds and providing extra resources.
- Women's Auxiliaries have existed since World War I, when the female relatives of returned service men raised much needed funds to buy land, buildings and furnishings to establish RSL Sub Branches.
Any female relative of a current or ex-serving Defence member is welcome to join an RSL Women's Auxiliary.
Current or ex-serving female Defence members can also join, and an Auxiliary can also choose, by resolution, to admit any female member of the community. - RSL Citizens’ Auxiliaries are open to any non-Defence member of the community (including children aged 12 or older) who’d like to volunteer with their local RSL Sub Branch.
There are two ways to become an RSL Auxiliary member:
To start your online application, please select the RSL Sub Branch you would like to join:
Select sub branch
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Goodna Women's AuxiliaryIn January 2023, the Goodna Women’s Auxiliary received an Australia Day Medallion for their volunteer services to the community.
Watch the video to hear about the group’s contributions as they share their thoughts on volunteering within the Defence family.