Student leadership shines at Kedron-Wavell Sub Branch
18 July 2022The Sub Branch is leading by example when it comes to cultivating community.
Kedron-Wavell RSL Sub Branch committee member, Greg Peak OAM (right), helps run the student liaison program
Their student liaison program invites students from surrounding high schools to volunteer within the Sub Branch, a program that has been running now for almost 15 years.
Students from high schools around the Kedron-Wavell RSL Sub Branch volunteer their time by attending meetings to share what is happening at their school, visiting veterans in the community, working in the Sub Branch office making welfare calls to members, and much more.
Greg Peake OAM, Kedron-Wavell RSL Sub Branch committee member, says it started as a way to share more information about how the Sub Branch was supporting the community.
“We were going out to local schools, talking to the principals and it wasn’t resonating. We wanted to find ways to connect our RSL Sub Branch with local school communities. In our area we have five high schools.”
“So, we thought, what if we reverse it. We went to the schools and asked them to select two senior students who would like to come along to our meetings and share what we were doing in the community.”
“They come along to our meetings and are usually the last to leave because members want to talk to them about what they went through at school 50 or 60 years ago.”
Padua College student Dom enjoys getting to know veterans through the program
The program expanded in 2014 when the RSL Sub Branch worked with the group and sent the students to Canberra for four days, including ANZAC Day.
“This year we were able to send 10 students, two teachers and two veterans. They go to Parliament House, roleplay being the Opposition, and see the Australian War Memorial,” Greg says.
After coming back to Brisbane, students presented to the Sub Branch and their school about their trip.
“We had a principal of one of the schools come to a meeting recently and he was genuinely delighted in seeing exactly what these students are achieving in their roles,” Greg said.
“I’ve been at award ceremonies for our schools and had year 9 students tell me they are going to be a liaison student when I am in year 12. The relationship between our RSL Sub Branch and these schools, and the students, is very close. It’s a special thing.
“I know two of our former students are at ADFA and another is in the Army at Enoggera.”
Mt Alvernia College student Jessie considers it an honour to volunteer with the Sub Branch
Dom, a 16-year-old student at Padua College and participant in the program says it has been an invaluable experience.
“I believe that connection to our local community is very important,” Dom shares.
“It’s important that we, as the next generation, understand what the people who have served have given so we have the opportunities we do.”
“We all get along well with the veterans and spend time getting to know them. They’re very generous with their time and I’ve learnt many skills during the program.”
Likewise, Year 11 Mt Alvernia College student Jessie says she was motivated to join the program after seeing family members getting involved with their local RSL Sub Branch.
“I’m also an Australian Air Force Cadet and am passionate about all things service and military aircraft,” Jessie shares.
“It’s an honour to be involved, represent my school and learn more about the Defence Force and the veterans in our community.
“I think it teaches us all to have greater respect for each other and for the sacrifice that was made for our freedom. Going to Canberra with the Sub Branch was one of the best experiences. I was inspired, moved, and taught so much about our history.”
The students who recently visited Canberra with the Sub Branch
Anyone interested in the Kedron-Wavell RSL Sub Branch Student Liaison Program can contact Greg Peake OAM on 07 3359 0460, 0407 743 241 or gpeake8@bigpond.com.
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