RSL Queensland Calls On Queenslanders To Commemorate This ANZAC Day
19 April 2023- Media release
- ANZACspirit
This ANZAC Day, Tuesday 25 April, RSL Queensland is calling on all Queenslanders to join in local ANZAC Day commemorations to recognise service people, past and present, across the country.
ANZAC Day marks the anniversary of the Gallipoli landings in 1915 and is a day to commemorate the contribution of the 1.5 million service personnel who have served our country in all conflicts, wars and peacekeeping operations.
RSL Queensland State President Major General Stephen Day DSC AM acknowledged the importance of all Queenslanders supporting, recognising, and participating in ANZAC Day.
“ANZAC Day is a day where we remember and commemorate all of those who have sacrificed so much to secure the freedoms and way of life that we, as Australians, are so privileged to have,” MAJGEN Day said.
“There’s no greater way to honour the selfless contribution of our past and present service personnel than by participating in your local ANZAC Day commemorations and keeping the spirit of our ANZACs alive.
RSL Queensland State President Major General Stephen Day DSC AM
“Not only is this a profoundly meaningful time to remember those who fell at Gallipoli, ANZAC Day is an important date to commemorate all those who have served in a range of modern conflicts and peacekeeping operations at home and abroad.
“It is also an important occasion to acknowledge the contribution of Defence families and those who have played a pivotal role in supporting veterans both during and after service.”
Decorated Australian Army Veteran, Cherisa Pearce is joining RSL Queensland to encourage everyday Australians to embody the ANZAC spirit and its characteristics of courage, ingenuity, endurance, humour and mateship.
“ANZAC Day is a significant and uniquely personal time for all Australian’s – for me, it’s an opportunity to stand side by side with my fellow veterans, family and friends, to remember those who served and sacrificed for our nation,” Ms Pearce said.
“As an Army veteran myself, I feel a deep connection with this day as it is a time to reflect on veterans, past and present, particularly as we all come together in a heartfelt display of mateship and reflect upon the values that unite us in strength and harmony.”
RSL Queensland member Cherisa Pearce
“It’s the spirit embodied by our ANZACs that binds us together and allows us to stand tall on the foundations laid by those who have gone and continue to go before us in service.”
RSL Queensland is working with its vast network of more than 230 Sub Branches which will be hosting more than 400 services this year for all Queenslanders to pay their respects and honour the service and sacrifice of veterans this ANZAC Day.
We’re asking Queenslanders to join us at services and marches across the state to acknowledge and honour our current and former Defence Force members.
For more information and a full list of RSL Queensland ANZAC Day commemorative services visit, www.anzacspirit.com.au.
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