RSL Queensland to take the next steps towards Ipswich Veterans' Hub
30 June 2023- Media release
Media Release - Department of Veterans' Affairs
Following a successful grant application, the Australian Government has today announced that RSL Queensland has been awarded a $50,000 grant to develop a business case to establish a Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Ipswich.
The expansion of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub network will see the more than 10,000 veterans and their families in the Ipswich Local Government Area access improved specialist services close to home.
RSL Queensland will take these next steps, in partnership with Mates4Mates and GO2 Health, to develop a business case to support the establishment of the Ipswich Veterans’ and Families’ Hub.
This will likely see a “hub and spoke” model established in Ipswich that expands out to the broader region west of Brisbane. This model follows feedback from community consultation that identified the need for services to be available and easily accessible for locals.
The multipurpose Hub is set to feature a range of culturally appropriate, coordinated services to assist with advocacy, case management, financial literacy, medical and allied health services and access to housing supports for veterans’ and families.
The intention is for this Hub, just like the Hubs currently operated by RSL Queensland and Mates4Mates across the country, to not only provide the services and supports the local veteran community needs, but be sustainable into the future.
Damon Kerns-Stokes (Go2Health), Les Nash (RSL Queensland State Council Chair), Shane Neumann MP (Member for Blair), Matt Keogh MP (Minister for Veterans' Affairs), Buzz Lawson (Mates4Mates), and Kelly Prior (Go2Health)
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