Bli Bli completes Avenue of Honour
21 April 2023- History & commemoration
Bli Bli recently unveiled a new cenotaph, marking official completion of the township’s Avenue of Honour.
Sunshine Coast and Regional RSL District President Ian Hall shares the story behind this landmark project.
The inception of a new memorial
Ian Hall is a Vietnam veteran who has held RSL Queensland membership in Morven, Bundaberg, Innisfail, Kedron-Wavell, and Woodford. He then became President of the Woodford RSL Sub Branch, which led to his current role as President of the Sunshine Coast and Regional District.
“The Sunshine Coast has a tremendous number of veterans and it’s growing every day. Our District has 12 RSL Sub Branches which are all very involved in looking after these veterans,” Ian says.
In 2015, work commenced on a residential estate called Parklakes in the township of Bli Bli. During construction, the RSL Sunshine Coast and Regional District was approached by the estate’s engineering company, Covey Associates, with an idea.
“A young lady named Jennifer came to us wanting to establish a memorial to the service personnel that came from around the area,” Ian recalls.
“Many young men and women from around here served in WWI and WWII, but there was nothing there to remember them or commemorate their service. That’s how the Avenue of Honour came to life.”
Unveiling the cenotaph
Involved as an integral part of the project from the beginning, Ian was tasked with representing his RSL District by consulting on an inclusive design to honour veterans, as well as securing funding for its build. On 14 April, the Bli Bli Avenue of Honour’s completion was celebrated with a community ceremony unveiling the cenotaph.
“There was a very big crowd made up of community members and veterans. Two local schools were involved in raising the flags, and we had the Sunshine Coast Lord Mayor and our local Federal Member make speeches,” Ian says.
“This Avenue of Honour is made up of shrubbery and commemorative plaques with the names of operations or areas where Australian Defence Force personnel have served.
“It’s distinctive because nowhere else in Australia has all 14 operations and 12 peacekeeping operations displayed, so we have 26 plaques set around 26 Queensland fig trees, with 26 stones from each local area at their bases.
“I was extremely happy because this has been something that’s been very dear to me right from the word ‘go’. I did whatever I could to ensure this was put in place, and now this cenotaph is here for our community and those who follow.”
A community-centred future
Eight years in the making, the response to the community’s new memorial site has been overwhelmingly positive, with its first major event coming up in just a few days.
“Having this Avenue of Honour now means that we can hold ANZAC and Remembrance Days here, instead of having to travel out to other areas,” Ian says.
“This ANZAC Day, the community of Bli Bli will come together in a positive way. It’s there for everyone to reflect on what’s taken place and the people who have gone forth and made the supreme sacrifice.”
The custodians of Bli Bli’s Avenue of Honour are a group of approximately 100 veterans living in the Parklakes estate, known as the Halcyon Veterans. They will work together with the Council in maintaining the grounds and memorials for visitors and future generations.
“These veterans see that they are the guardians of this memorial – it’s there for them and the community, and they’re very committed to looking after it,” Ian says.
Sunshine Coast & Regional District RSL is extremely grateful to Covey Engineering, Mansell Concreting and Cam Crossley for their support and contribution to the cenotaph. Special thanks are also extended to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Federal Minister for Fairfax Ted O’Brien MP, Sunshine Coast Council and Mayor Mark Jamison, Ward 9 Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez, and the Bli Bli Progress Community Association for their support in bringing the Bli Bli Avenue of Honour to life.
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