Ex-Service Organisation Directory
There are many ex-service organisations (ESOs) that help current and ex-serving personnel in various ways.
RSL Queensland collaborates with a range of ESOs to ensure members of our Defence family get the help they need.
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4 Aussie Heroes
Established in 2016, the 4 Aussie Heroes Foundation is committed to providing programs for veterans and first responders to support mental wellness, particularly for those struggling with PTSD or other mental health issues as a result of their service.
The cornerstone of their programs is the “Triumph over Trauma” 11 day retreat which focusses on providing a range of evidence-based and evidence-informed sessions to support post-traumatic growth.
Alongside their wellness programs, 4 Aussie Heroes are also developing their own retreat facility, Camp Courage, which will aim to provide early intervention, professional care, meaningful support, and camaraderie through short term accommodation in a relaxed rural environment.
Phone: 0418 735 257
Website: http://4aussieheroes.com.au/
Established in 1947, Australian War Widows (Queensland) Inc. (AWWQ) protects the interests of war widows and provides friendship, understanding and community support services to its members across Queensland. Membership is open to the Department of Veterans' Affairs designated war widows and associate membership for wider community who support AWWQ.
Phone: 07 3846 7706
Website: https://www.warwidowsqld.org.au/
Australian Commando Association – Queensland Branch
They foster and perpetuate ties of comradeship between former Australian Army Commandos of all generations by promoting activities of a ceremonial, commemorative, memorial, sporting, or social character for the benefit of members and families, including close collaboration with, and full support of, SOCOMD.They foster and develop the Association's support for the Commando Welfare Trust and Patriotic Funds in support of its eligible members.
Provide former Commandos and former members of SOCOMD including surviving dependents with appropriate support.
Concentrate their efforts on veterans' affairs via representation and advocacy means to all relevant Authorities and/or other parties and form relationships with other special forces, military and kindred associations for the mutual benefit of the wider Australian Commando community.
Email: acaqld.president@gmail.com
Website: https://www.commando.org.au/
Australian Special Air Service Association
Australian Special Air Service Association (ASASA) is the regimental association of the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR). It is a legally constituted and incorporated "not for profit" organisation and is a recognised ex-service organisation with the Australian Government, the Australian Defence Force and with the Department of Veterans' Affairs. It is an Australia-wide association with Branches in each State (except for Tasmania), and a Branch in the Australian Capital Territory.
The aims of the Association can be summarised as:
- to provide assistance to past and present members of the SASR;
- to perpetuate the close bonds of friendship and "esprit de corps" that exists amongst those who served in SASR;
- to provide support to SASR and preserve its good name and reputation.
Phone: 0419 670 853
Website: https://www.asasa.com.au/
Bootstraps offers leather work classes as a way to relax, network and reconnect. Bootstraps found that focussing on a creative skill in the form of leather work, helps to relieve stress within the body and mind. Hours spent in the leather workshop result in not only a creative out-put but a calmer, physical and mental well-being. To contact, please email info@bootstraps.org.auPhone: 0480 239 994
Website: https://www.bootstraps.org.au/
Bravery Trust
Bravery Trust provides a financial safety net for current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members who are facing financial hardship due to injury or illness sustained during service. Bravery Trust can provide emergency payments to keep families in their home, assisting with food, utilities, rent or vehicle expenses.Bravery Trust also provides financial counselling and financial education, empowering veterans long-term with new skills and confidence. They work with individuals and tailor a unique solution to address your most urgent needs. Their team can also advocate on behalf of veterans with banks, debtors and landlords to support those in need towards financial wellbeing.
Their service is free, confidential and independent of the ADF.
Phone: 1800 272 837
Website: https://braverytrust.org.au/
Brothers and Books
Brothers and Books provides life changing books, book recommendations and utilises bibliotherapy to support and conduct preventative mental health support for current and ex serving members of the Australian Defence Force. Of note they have supplied a number of community libraries across Australia and aim to change the culture of education within the Australian and Defence Force Communities.Website: http://www.brothersnbooks.com/
Buddy Up Australia
Buddy Up Australia connects Australian current and ex-service personnel to their community through purposeful volunteering, social and physical activities. This includes emergency services and military personnel as well as their immediate families. Whether still serving or transitioning to civilian life, Buddy Up Australia has been created to provide connection and purpose while making a difference in the local community with like-minded people.
To contact, please email Sunnycoast@buddyupaustralia.org.au or info@buddyupaustralia.org
Phone: +61 435 818 238
Website: https://www.buddyupaustralia.org.au/
Camp Gregory Veterans Retreat is a bush retreat. It is a place for all current & ex-service personnel, Veterans, First Responders and their families to camp, relax or just to get away from it all. The camp on a 40 acre bush block is located a 25 minute drive east of Childers on the banks of the Gregory River. It offers a place to wind down and relax with like minded people. It has a fully equipped camp kitchen, hot and cold showers, flushing toilets, a community hall, bush walking, fishing and crabbing. Members can stay up to two weeks vacancies permitting.Phone: 0499 728 800
Website: https://www.campgregoryveterans.com/