The 2024 RSL Queensland Ex-serving and Partner Education Scholarship Terms and Conditions will aid you in preparing your application, and form your agreement with RSL Queensland if you are successful in being awarded a Scholarship. Please read this document in full prior to submitting your application to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for a Scholarship and have available all relevant documentation.
These Terms and Conditions apply to both Ex-serving and Partner scholarships.
Scholarship Overview
The Terms and Conditions provide information for Applicants wishing to apply for an Ex-serving Scholarship or Partner Scholarship and Recipients who are participating in the Scholarship Program.
Application Period:
Applications open on 18 August (Vietnam Veterans’ Day) each year, for Scholarships commencing from January the following year. The Scholarship application period remains open until all available Scholarship funding for the relevant year (round) is awarded, or until 30 April of the year following applications opening. In extenuating circumstances, RSL Queensland may, in its absolute discretion, consider applications received after this date if funding remains available.
Assessment of Applications:
All applications submitted to RSL Queensland will be assessed to confirm eligibility.
Outcome of Applications:
RSL Queensland will email Applicants to advise of the outcome of their applications. Applicants should anticipate it will take a minimum of 28 days from receipt of a complete and correct application (inclusive of completed application form and any requested documentation).
Your Responsibility:
Applicants are responsible for:
- confirming with the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) whether their DVA entitlements will be affected by receiving an education or training benefit; and
- Ensuring they have read this document, their application meets the eligibility criteria and the information provided in their application is true and correct. Be aware that RSL Queensland will disregard any applications which contain false or misleading information. In the event an Applicant receives a Scholarship using false or misleading information on their application, RSL Queensland may withdraw the Scholarship Offer to the Applicant and the Applicant will be required to return any Scholarship funding provided by RSL Queensland.
- Reviewing advice provided by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) regarding Scholarship funds and tax obligations, Scholarship payments and tax | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)
Applicants applying for an Ex-serving Scholarship are responsible for:
- confirming with the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) whether their DVA entitlements will be affected by receiving an education or training benefit; and
- confirming with COMSUPER if their pension entitlements will be affected by receiving an education or training benefit.
Applicants applying for a Partner Scholarship are responsible for:
- ensuring their current/Ex-serving partner completes the Partner Declaration.
RSL Queensland accepts no responsibility if a Recipient's DVA, COMSUPER or other entitlements are affected.
Recipients are responsible for:
- reviewing and accepting the terms of the Scholarship and agreement (Offer letter) with RSL Queensland;
- once available, completing an online transition to study module prior to unlocking funding (Ex-serving scholarships only);
- undergoing their study as documented in the Scholarship Offer letter, and notifying us of any change in details;
- notifying RSL Queensland if their personal circumstances change e.g. phone number, email address, residential address;
- achieving satisfactory marks or higher and providing evidence of this to RSL Queensland at the end of each teaching period/commencement of the next Funding Period;
- providing documents required, within the time period specified in order to apply Scholarship funding allocation to eligible expenses; or to request a change to their Scholarship, including the deferral of a Scholarship;
- providing evidence of course completion;
- understanding their fee due dates and education provider payment processes when considering how Scholarship funding may be accessed and applied.
RSL Queensland accepts no responsibility if a Recipient does not correctly utilise their entire Scholarship funding amount. For the avoidance of doubt, RSL Queensland cannot pay any Scholarship funding amount to an education provider post census date. RSL Queensland is not responsible for any other relevant fee due date specific to the Recipient's course if the Recipient misses a payment date to the education provider; and
- managing any requirements to notify Centrelink, DVA, the Australian Tax Office (ATO), and any other relevant authority that they have been awarded a Scholarship and will receive funds to assist them with their study.
Application Assistance:
If you require assistance in completing the Scholarship Application process, contact RSL Queensland via scholarships@rslqld.org.
We value all voices:
Subject to Part 2 Eligibility, we encourage people from all backgrounds to apply.
PART 1: Introduction
PART 2: Eligibility
PART 3: Scholarships Available
PART 4: Limitations on Scholarships
PART 5: How to Apply
PART 6: Conditions of Approval
PART 7: Payment or Reimbursement
PART 8: Administration
PART 9: Definitions
PART 10: Checklist for Online Application
PART 11: Checklist for Payment Request by Recipient
PART 1: Introduction
Careers in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) provide personnel a diverse range of expertise and knowledge. The Ex-serving Scholarship program has been created to help those who have experienced service-related hardship or personal hardship post military service to develop and extend these skills, to assist with securing civilian employment.
The Ex-serving Scholarship:
- provides funding to support education and training, to contribute to the employability of Ex-serving Defence Members who have experienced service-related hardship and had difficulty securing employment post their military career;
- is a pathway to assist personnel to extend upon their military skills to achieve civilian employment post transition; and
- aims to:
- provide funding to Recipients to contribute to their higher education and training; and
- support ex-serving Defence Members succeed in civilian careers post military service.
A career in the ADF presents unique opportunities for Defence families, however the dynamic nature of the Defence lifestyle may cause disruption to ongoing employment for partners of ADF members. The Partner Scholarship program has been created to help those who have had their career impacted due to their partner’s military service.
The Partner Scholarship:
- provides funding to support education and training to contribute to the employability of Partners who have experienced difficulty maintaining employment due to their partner’s military service;
- provides funding to Recipients to contribute to their education and training; and
- supports Defence families during and post the course of a military career.
- The Scholarship funding amount provided under the Scholarship program is a contribution towards a Recipient’s study costs; it is not the responsibility of RSL Queensland to fund the full cost where the cost exceeds the Scholarship funding amount.
- Scholarships are intended to support study being undertaken or commenced in the relevant calendar year in line with the Scholarship round.
- Applicants are deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions upon submitting their application.
PART 2: Eligibility
- For an Ex-serving Scholarship, the Applicant must demonstrate that:
- they are an Ex-serving Defence Member with either operational service, or three or more years continuous full-time service. The Applicant must provide a copy of their current ADO long to evidence enlistment date and, if relevant, separation date and type. RSL Queensland may, at its discretion, consider Applicants who have medically separated with fewer than three (3) years of service, or those with no operational service; and
- they have either medically or voluntarily separated from the Australian Defence Force at the time of application.
- For a Partner Scholarship, the Applicant must demonstrate they are the current Partner of a current or former Defence Member with a relationship duration of a minimum three (3) years; and the Defence Member has either operational service, or three (3) or more years continuous full-time service. The Applicant must include a copy of:
- The Defence Member’s ADO Long including their enlistment date and, if relevant, separation date and type.
- either a marriage certificate, or one of the following that is dated at least three (3) years ago and lists both the Applicant and Defence Member, with the aim of evidencing the relationship duration requirements:
- Utility bill;
- Medicare statements with same residential address listed;
- Bank statement demonstrating joint bank account;
- Drivers Licence copy of both Partner and Defence Member with same residential address listed; or
- A statutory declaration by the Defence Member and witnessed by a Justice of the Peace (JP) confirming the relationship with the Partner for a minimum three year period.
- RSL Queensland may, at its discretion, consider Applicants who are a Partner of a current or former Defence Member with a relationship duration of less than three (3) years.
- Partners are eligible to apply for the Partner Scholarship if the Defence Member is deceased, provided the Partner can demonstrate a minimum three (3) year continuous relationship with the Defence Member and that they were the partner of the Defence Member at time of death.
- RSL Queensland may, at its discretion, consider Applicants if the Defence Member was medically separated with fewer than three (3) years of service, or did not have operational service.
- Applicant must reside in Queensland at the time of their application. However, for Partner Scholarships, the Applicant may reside in Northern Territory if their Partner is a Defence Member currently serving in Northern Territory.
- The Applicant must not be in receipt of any other Defence education or training assistance, outside of the Defence Force Transition Program (DFTP) or be receiving any other education/training benefit or Scholarship.
- Any funding for education obtained through DFTP must be declared at time of application and documentation must be provided to demonstrate how DFTP funding was/will be applied.
- The Applicant is responsible for determining whether they may access government subsidies or grants for study costs e.g. Certificate III Guarantee or Job Trainer. Approved Applicants' Scholarship Funding allocation may be adjusted in response to demonstration of applicable course subsidies.
- Recipients are required to notify RSL Queensland if they are awarded any additional education/training benefit or Scholarship at any point during the term of their RSL Queensland Scholarship, including DVA educational benefits for example DVA Work Rehabilitation program. See 4.5 for details on how this may impact Recipients’ Scholarship Funding Outline.
- Applicants who have Regular Employment (as defined in Part 9 – Definitions) are not eligible for Scholarship funding. Extenuating circumstances will be considered in RSL Queensland’s absolute discretion. Applicants must be able to demonstrate employment status.
- Applicants and Recipients are required to declare to RSL Queensland any circumstances which may give rise to actual or perceived conflicts of interest. This includes but is not limited to an Applicant being related to an RSL Queensland board member or employee, by birth or by marriage (including de facto relationships); an Applicant being employed by RSL Queensland; an Applicant being employed by or volunteering for a partner program of RSL Queensland. RSL Queensland reserves the right to determine eligibility based on the perceived level of conflict of interest.
- Scholarships will only be awarded to Applicants undertaking one (1) course (“Approved Course”) from one (1) education provider (“Approved Provider”). Applications with multiple courses listed will not be considered.
- The proposed course must be:
- Accredited (as per Part 9 – Definitions);
- provided through an organisation registered by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) or a Registered Training Organisation (RTO);
- one (1) or more academic years in duration;
- intended to add employment related skills; and
- GST free.
- Education and training can be provided:
- via face-to-face attendance; or
- online; or
- by correspondence; or
- a combination of the above;
and must be undertaken in Australia (or, in the case of online and correspondence learning, the education provider must be based in Australia).
- Applicant must demonstrate to RSL Queensland’s satisfaction the employment options which may arise out of the proposed course of study.
- Under certain circumstances, and at RSL Queensland’s discretion, short courses will be considered but the awarded Scholarship funding amount will be altered accordingly.
- Postgraduate courses (in the absolute discretion of RSL Queensland) will be considered if the Applicant can demonstrate the need for completion to increase employability. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA), will not be eligible for Scholarship funding.
- Ongoing eligibility criteria applies for the duration of the Scholarship term. Recipients are required to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress (a pass grade) in each Funding Period identified in their Scholarship Funding Outline, in order to access the funding allocation in the following Funding Period. RSL Queensland reserves the right to use its absolute discretion to accept extenuating circumstances.
- Ex-serving Applicants must demonstrate hardship or vulnerability either relating to ADF service or since transitioning from ADF.Examples of hardship or vulnerability for the Ex-serving Scholarship would be:
- Ex-serving Member voluntarily transitioned from ADF into employment but, due to circumstances outside of their control, are now unemployed and cannot secure further employment;
- Ex-serving Member has been medically separated from the ADF and due to a service-related injury is unable to continue in their current field of employment and must acquire a new skill to gain employment in an alternative field;
- Ex-serving Member has gained qualifications during service that are not recognised in civilian employment and requires additional qualifications to gain employment.
- Partner Applicants must demonstrate hardship directly linked to the military service of their partner and how this has impacted their employability.Examples of hardship or vulnerability for the Partnership Scholarship would be:
- A Partner has been a stay at home parent, and is now returning to work to be the main income earner for the family as the Defence Member has medically separated and is unable to work;
- A Partner who has not gained higher education qualifications or developed their own professional career due to the limitations of the Defence lifestyle e.g. a stay at home parent for young children whilst the Defence Member undertook multiple deployments;
- A Partner had a professional career but Defence Member has been posted to a new location where jobs in the Partner's trained profession were very limited and Partner requires further education or training to increase employability in the new location.
- If applicable, to demonstrate financial hardship the Applicant must provide copies of bank statements and other relevant documentation, including partner’s financial information as requested by RSL Queensland.
3.1 The Scholarship funding amount provided to Recipients is up to $5,000 annually for up to three (3) calendar years. The maximum total Scholarship funding amount is $15,000 and maximum duration is three (3) calendar years. Further detail about approved funding expenses is detailed in Part 7.
3.2 Recipients whose Scholarships commence mid-year will be eligible for the maximum total Scholarship funding amount of $12,500.
3.3 For any courses undertaken for fewer than three (3) years, or at less than Full-Time Study Load, the Scholarship funding amount may be reduced accordingly, as deemed appropriate by RSL Queensland (in its absolute discretion).
3.4 Scholarships are limited, and it is entirely at RSL Queensland’s sole discretion as to which Applicants are successful.
4.1 Applicants must clearly demonstrate the relevance of the proposed course to support their employability. Scholarship funding is not available to fund a career change (without evidence this is required to obtain employment), ongoing professional development within an Applicant’s current and/or established employment stream or self-interest/hobby courses.
4.2 A career change will be deemed to be any variation to an Applicant’s current and/or established employment stream or educational qualifications. While it is acknowledged that a career change can occur for a number of reasons, the intent of the Scholarship is to provide funding to approved Applicants to contribute to their employability, not to assist with increasing personal fulfilment, therefore without demonstration the career change is necessary to gain employment, it will not be eligible for the Scholarship.
4.3 Professional development will be deemed to be education/training undertaken to complement existing qualifications and therefore will not be eligible for the Scholarship unless it is demonstrated that further education/training in the same field as the Applicant’s current qualifications is necessary to obtain employment i.e. retraining to fulfil a certification requirement.
4.4 Self-interest or hobby courses will not be eligible for a Scholarship as these courses are not intended to improve an Applicant’s employability.
4.5 RSL Queensland may review and adjust the Scholarship Funding Outline and/or funding allocation if Recipient receives education/training benefit or funding in addition to RSL Queensland Scholarship funding.
4.6 Applicants who have previously been a Scholarship Recipient will not be eligible to apply for an additional Scholarship in a future Scholarship round, unless the Applicant can demonstrate extenuating circumstances exist and additional education/training will result in employment for the Applicant. Applicants will need to complete a new RSL Queensland Education Scholarship application, disclosing they have been a previous Recipient of Scholarship funding and evidence that demonstrates the extenuating circumstances. It is in the sole discretion of RSL Queensland if an additional Scholarship is awarded.
4.7 Applicants are required to disclose if any members of their immediate family have been a Recipient of a current or previous RSL Queensland Scholarship (including Ex-serving, Partner or Veteran Dependant Scholarship).
PART 5 How to Apply
5.1 Applicants need to read the eligibility criteria and then complete and submit the Scholarship application form online, visit www.rslqld.org/find-help/scholarships. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
5.2 Applicants will be required to provide documents to support their application. Applications will be assessed by RSL Queensland once all relevant documents have been received. Applicants must provide documents within seven (7) days of request. Failure to provide all documentation as requested may result in the application being unable to be processed and assessed appropriately and Applicants may have their application declined.
5.3 Applicants must prepare and provide to RSL Queensland documentation to demonstrate hardship or vulnerability to meet the eligibility of the Scholarship.
5.4 Partner Scholarship applications cannot progress until the Defence Member has completed the relevant declaration.
5.5 Applicants must disclose any qualifications already held for anything higher than secondary education i.e. diploma or undergraduate degree.
5.6 Applicants who are currently studying in the course for which they are applying for a Scholarship must:
- provide details indicating the course, the education provider and year of study. Applicants will be required to provide a copy of the course outline or similar document giving the name, education provider and length of the course; and
- provide a copy of their results and reports for the last academic year. If the Applicant did not achieve a level of pass, they will be ineligible for the Scholarship, unless extenuating circumstances exist and are accepted by RSL Queensland, in its absolute discretion.
5.7 Applicants starting a new course who have received an offer of enrolment from their education provider should provide proof of offer/enrolment. In the event course enrolment cannot occur prior to the Applicant becoming an approved Recipient of Scholarship funding, enrolment verification must be provided prior to the payment of any Scholarship funding. Failure to provide this proof will result in Scholarship termination.
5.8 The Scholarship application period remains open until all available Scholarship funding for the relevant year (round) is awarded, or until 30 April of the year following applications opening. In extenuating circumstances, RSL Queensland may, in its absolute discretion, consider applications received after this date if funding is available.
5.9 Recipients will receive an official Offer letter and must accept the Offer by signing and returning the acceptance form within seven (7) days. By accepting the Offer, Recipients are entering into an agreement with RSL Queensland, which is governed by these Terms and Conditions.
PART 6 Conditions of Approval
6.1 Recipients are required to advise RSL Queensland in writing of any changes in circumstances (such as a change to the chosen course of study, education provider or length of course) as soon as reasonably practical. If the Recipient does not advise RSL Queensland of the change in circumstances, ongoing Scholarship eligibility may be impacted and Scholarship funds may be required to be returned. Please refer to clause 7.12 of these terms and conditions for the process for reimbursing RSL Queensland. RSL Queensland reserves the right to review the Scholarship eligibility should conditions be revised, and it is at RSL Queensland’s sole discretion whether a Recipient will remain eligible for the Scholarship if changes are made to the Scholarship approved course and/or Scholarship Funding Outline
6.2 If any circumstances change and the Recipient is unable to continue or complete their course or study for any reason, it is the Recipient’s responsibility to negotiate with the education provider to have the education and/or training deferred to a later date.
6.3 RSL Queensland may permit a Scholarship to be deferred for the maximum term of 12 months. Deferment can only occur once during the term of the awarded Scholarship. Recipient must provide evidence from the education provider demonstrating re-enrolment to access funding after a deferral period. For example, a fee statement showing the relevant Funding Period and units listed as enrolled. Once a Scholarship has been deferred, the Recipient will be unable to access the allocated funding during the deferral period. The term of the Scholarship cannot be extended. It is at RSL Queensland’s sole discretion to allow a deferral of a Scholarship.
6.4 Recipients must provide a transcript or other formal evidence of results at the completion of each academic teaching period/commencement of the next Funding Period or immediately upon the request of RSL Queensland. Scholarship funds may be withheld if the Recipient does not achieve at least a pass mark in each subject and RSL Queensland may in its absolute discretion, determine that no further Scholarship funding will be awarded to that Recipient and the Scholarship is immediately cancelled.
6.5 Recipients who complete their required study and achieve the course qualification must provide evidence to RSL Queensland in the form of a certificate of attainment/completion/ graduation or academic transcript acknowledging the qualification is complete.
6.6 If the courses are available, recipients in their last 12 months of the Scholarship will be invited to undertake RSL Queensland led graduate courses and/or employment support courses. Participating in at least one (1) course offered to a Recipient in this last 12 month period is mandatory.
6.7 Recipients who utilise their Scholarship funding prior to course completion may be contacted by RSL Queensland post the term of the Scholarship term to confirm, for reporting purposes, their course completion and attainment of qualification.
6.8 Recipients are expected to uphold the values of RSL Queensland and RSL Queensland reserves the right to cease the Recipient’s Scholarship in circumstances where these values are not upheld, in the sole belief of RSL Queensland. The RSL Queensland values are able to be viewed on our website (www.rslqld.org).
6.9 Recipients must maintain communication with RSL Queensland during each Funding Period identified in the Scholarship Funding Outline, as per their official Offer letter (see 5.9 in these Terms and Conditions). Failure to maintain contact in line with the above, may result in the Scholarship being immediately cancelled at the sole discretion of RSL Queensland.
6.10 Recipients may be contacted by RSL Queensland, both during and post completion of their Scholarship, about RSL Queensland programs and to invite Recipients to connect with fellow Scholars and Alumni from the Scholarship Program.
6.11 Regarding direct employment support, Recipients may be contacted by the RSL Queensland Employment team to offer assistance with transitioning into employment or professional development opportunities.
6.12 Recipients may be contacted by RSL Queensland to complete surveys and feedback to improve program delivery.
6.13 For Ex-serving Recipients, if RSL Queensland courses are available, Recipients may be invited to participate in vocational counselling prior to the commencement of a Scholarship. If a Recipient is invited, participation is mandatory unless extenuating circumstances exist.
PART 7 Payment or Reimbursement
7.1 At the time of the Scholarship being awarded, the Recipient will receive from RSL Queensland an Offer letter including a Scholarship Funding Outline. This will confirm the maximum amount of Scholarship funding the Recipient is eligible for in each Funding Period. As a general guide only, Recipients may expect to be eligible to access up to half of the annual Scholarship funding amount awarded in each period i.e. a Scholarship awarded for up to $5,000 annually will enable a maximum of $2,500 to be accessed in the first six (6) month Funding Period, and upon demonstration of achieving a pass mark in the previous subjects, Recipients will be eligible to access up to $2,500 in the second six (6) month Funding Period.
7.2 The Scholarship funding amount can be used strictly for educational expenses directly associated with the Approved Course, including course fees, required textbooks, required resources associated with the course, required police or medical checks, and administration fees. Any textbooks, resources or police/medical checks claimed must be listed as required/mandatory on the unit outline associated with the current Funding Period in which it is being claimed.
7.3 The Scholarship funding amount cannot be used towards electronic devices, accommodation, meals, postage, or travel to and from any venue or location from which the course is conducted.
7.4 Travel costs will only be considered if a Recipient demonstrates long distance travel is required to attend course components in order to complete the course and this part of the course cannot be completed at a closer location. It is RSL Queensland’s sole discretion whether the proposed long distance travel is accepted as appropriate use of the Scholarship funding amount.
7.5 It is the responsibility of the Recipient to ensure any purchases or payments made by them are eligible items for reimbursement. If the Recipient is unsure as to whether a payment is eligible for reimbursement, it is up to the Recipient to gain approval in writing from RSL Queensland prior to proceeding.
7.6 Recipients will be entitled to utilise up to $500 of their Scholarship funding amount per Funding Period for uniform items (including shoes). Reimbursement of shoes will only be permitted once per annum. Recipients will be required to provide evidence of the uniform requirements from their education provider and only items specific to the course (e.g. branded clothing, industry-specific uniforms) will be eligible.
7.7 The Recipient can be reimbursed for course related fees after evidencing payment has been made against unit/s taken within the current Funding Period. The Recipient must provide a copy of the original invoice/fee statement and an official receipt as evidence that payment has occurred. The expense will be reimbursed to the Recipient’s nominated bank account, the details of which have been verified as part of the Scholarship commencement processes. It is the Recipient’s responsibility to ensure that their nominated bank account details are up to date.
7.8 RSL Queensland will not accept screenshots or print outs of online banking transactions as evidence of payment.
7.9 RSL Queensland may pay course fees direct to an education provider on a Recipient’s behalf upon receipt of an official invoice (fee statement). In these circumstances, the Recipient is responsible for contacting the education provider to confirm the preferred process for a third-party payment. The Recipient is responsible for providing invoices for course fees to RSL Queensland with sufficient time for payments to occur and billing information regarding the payment is clearly communicated by the Recipient. Recipients should allow a minimum of two weeks from the date of a complete request (including all required documentation) for payments to be made. It is not the responsibility of RSL Queensland to ensure payments are made prior to important dates on the Recipient’s academic calendar, like Census dates.
7.10 RSL Queensland will not pay invoices or statements issued by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) for HECS-HELP/FEE-HELP loans. No direct payments to the education provider will be approved once the course fees have been accrued to HECS-HELP/ FEE-HELP.
7.11 The Scholarship funding amount can only be used for reimbursement of expenses incurred for educational expenses relating to the Funding Period, from the date the RSL Queensland Scholarship has been formally accepted by the Recipient.
7.12 Request for reimbursements and payments will only be approved for course units within the current Funding Period. There is no discretion to approve Scholarship funding to be applied retrospectively. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event a Scholarship is awarded mid-semester, Scholarship funding cannot be utilised for expenses incurred at the commencement of the semester (prior to the award of the Scholarship) and will only be approved for expenses incurred from the date the Scholarship is formally accepted by the Recipient.
7.13 Scholarship funding cannot be used to offset expenses incurred after the Scholarship end date or the course end date.
7.14 In the event a Recipient is required to repay Scholarship funds to RSL Queensland pursuant to these guidelines, RSL Queensland will provide written confirmation of the debt, bank details and outline the payment options available.
7.15 Recipients must have accepted (signed) the current Offer and/or Revised Conditions to access funding.
PART 8 Administration
RSL Queensland will not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by an Applicant, Recipient or any other person arising from the failure by an Applicant or Recipient to comply with these Terms and Conditions, or arising from any ambiguity, discrepancy or error contained in an application.8.2 FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION
Applications may be disregarded if, in the belief of RSL Queensland, an application contains false or misleading information. In the event it is determined a Recipient provided false or misleading information, the Recipient must immediately return all Scholarship funding received to RSL Queensland and no further Scholarship funding will be paid.8.3 APPROVING AUTHORITY
Applications will be reviewed and assessed by RSL Queensland staff, with Applicants notified of the outcome of their application at the end of the assessment period (a minimum of 28 days from receipt of a complete and correct application inclusive of completed application form and any required documentation). The decision about whether an application is successful or not is in the absolute discretion of RSL Queensland and the Applicant acknowledges they have no right to challenge any decision by RSL Queensland as to whether an application is successful or unsuccessful.8.4 DISCRETIONARY PROVISIONS
If an Applicant is not eligible for assistance, they may apply in writing to RSL Queensland requesting discretionary approval for extenuating circumstances. This request must be sent to scholarships@rslqld.org. When assessing this request, RSL Queensland, in its absolute discretion will consider the following factors:- that the application aligns with the intent and aims of the Scholarship (refer to Part 1 clauses 1.1 and 1.2); and
- any other factors relevant to the application and may require review of additional information to support the request.
Accredited: |
Courses accredited by Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for Certificate level study up to and including Graduate Diploma or Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) for Advanced Diploma level study to doctoral degrees. |
Alumni: |
Person who has completed their RSL Queensland Scholarship. |
Applicant: |
Person who has submitted a Scholarship Application for consideration. |
Approved Course: |
The course listed at the time of Application and in the Offer letter, unless changed through Revised Conditions. |
Approved Provider: | The education provider listed at the time of Application and in the Offer letter, unless changed through Revised Conditions. |
Defence Member: |
For the purpose of these guidelines, a Defence Member is a person who either is or has been a member of the Australian Defence Forces or Reservists (as defined in the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982, Sec 3) who has rendered three (3) or more years full time continuous service or operational service (as defined in the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986). |
Ex-serving Member: |
For the purpose of these guidelines, an Ex-serving member is an ex-member of the Australian Defence Forces or Reservist serving at SERCAT level 4 and below (as defined in the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982, Sec 3) who has rendered three (3) or more years full time continuous service or operational service (as defined in the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986). |
Ex-serving Scholarship: |
The Scholarship granted to an Ex-serving Member in accordance with these Guidelines for training and education purposes. |
Funding Period: |
The six-month period in which Scholarship funding is allocated. |
Offer: | Formal offer of Scholarship including allocated Scholarship funding amount, term of Scholarship and Scholarship Funding Outline. |
Partner: | A Partner is a person who is the spouse or interdependent partner of a Defence Member as defined above for more than three years continuous duration at time of application. |
Partner Scholarship: | The Scholarship granted to a Partner in accordance with these Terms and Conditions for training and education purposes. |
Recipient: | An Applicant who is offered and accepts a Scholarship. |
Regular Employment: | Work that is undertaken on a recurring basis. |
Scholarship: | An Ex-serving Scholarship and/or Partner Scholarship (as applicable). |
Scholarship Application: | A completed online application form for either an Ex-serving Scholarship or Partner Scholarship (as applicable) and the relevant supporting documents. |
Scholarship Funding Outline: | The summary of the total Funding Periods awarded for each successful Recipient, provided at time of Offer or through revised conditions. |
PART 10 Checklist for Online Application
Below is a list of some of the information required to complete the application. Upon receipt of the completed application, RSL Queensland may contact applicants to request additional supporting documentation.
We recommend you contact RSL Queensland to discuss your circumstances or if you require assistance to complete the application.
Ex-serving Scholarship Application
Information Required - Ex-serving Scholarship | |
1. | Service Start Date |
2. | Service End Date |
3. | Accepted DVA Conditions (if applicable) |
4. | Details of hardship or vulnerability relating to service, or since transitioning from Defence (maximum of 2,000 characters) |
5. | Details of current employment (if applicable) |
6. |
Highest academic achievement
7. |
Proposed Course of Study
8. | Details of how the proposed course will support current or future employment opportunities (maximum of 2,000 characters) |
9. | Details of any other funding you have applied for or received |
*Upon receipt of your Application, RSL Queensland will contact eligible applicants to request any supporting documentation that may be required. |
Partner Scholarship Application
Information Required - Partner Scholarship | |
1. | Partner's Name |
2. | Partner's Service Start Date |
3. | Partner's Service End Date (if applicable) |
4. | Details of Operational Service that your partner has participated in (only show if less than three (3) years’ service) |
5. | Partner's accepted DVA Conditions (if applicable) |
6. | Details of hardship or vulnerability relating to service (maximum of 2,000 characters) |
7. | Details of your current employment (if applicable) |
8. |
Details of your highest academic achievement:
9. |
Proposed course of study
10. | Details of how the proposed course will support current or future employment opportunities (maximum of 2,000 characters) |
11. | Details of any other funding you have applied for or have received |
*Upon receipt of your Application, RSL Queensland will contact eligible applicants to request any supporting documentation that may be required. |