Forest Lake & Districts Sub Branch Inc
RSL Forest Lake & Districts Sub Branch offers a warm welcome to veterans in the local area. The Forest Lake Sub Branch is part of the South Eastern District of RSL Queensland.
Opening Hours
Open by appointment.
Our Coffee Club is open selected Mondays of each month 10:00am-12:00noon.
All welcome to come and enjoy social interaction and light morning tea.
The Forest Lake & Districts was formed in 1998 and has a proud history with the Forest Lake & surrounding areas. We held our first meeting on September 7th, 1998 and received our original Charter in October 1998. In December 2020 we received our updated Charter to include “Districts” into our area.
The Forest Lake & Districts RSL Sub Branch is established for the principal purpose of promoting the interests and welfare of former and serving members of the ADF and their dependants by:
- Enhancing the awareness of the RSL and its activities in the community.
- Preserving the memory and records of those who served, suffered and died for the Commonwealth of Australia.
- Encouraging the members of the League and citizens to serve the Nation with a spirit of self sacrifice and loyalty.
- Nurturing of the youth of Australia to ensure that the strength, vitality and security of our Nation is preserved and enhanced.
- We uphold the values of recognition, service, loyalty, quality and mateship in all that we do.
We care for the welfare and interest for Forest Lake & District veteran community and cembers of the ADF.
- Forest Lake & Districts Sub Branch ensure help is always at hand for our ADF Community and Members.
- We assist the veteran community by providing an Assistance Dog Program whereby we train the assistance dogs for the benefit of veterans and first responders in need.
Enabling and supporting commemorations in honour of service and sacrifices for Forest Lake & District Veteran Community and Members of the ADF.
- ANZAC Day (parade from High Street, Forest Lake and concluding at The Esplanade, Forest Lake. Service follows the Parade at the Ampitheatre)
- Vietnam Veterans’ Day
- Remembrance Day Service at the Amphitheatre, The Esplanade, Forest Lake.
Providing avenues for Forest Lake & District veteran community and members of the ADF to rekindle their bonds of service and mateship.
- BBQ Social days on the first Saturday of each month from 11 am – 2pm (excluding January).
- Coffee with mates every second Monday (Contact the Secretary for dates).
- Day trips and outings throughout the year.
Membership is $20 annually and free of charge for current serving ADF personnel. Social membership is available on application - $25 for first year, $10 per year thereafter.
Newsletters are distributed monthly to all members.
Board Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month.
General Meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month (6:30pm start).
Annual General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday in February annually.
In 2022 the Forest Lake and District RSL Sub Branch aligned itself with the Defence Bank Foundation who fund the provision of Assistance Dogs, trained by Defence Community Dogs (DCD) located at the Correctional facility in Bathurst, to both serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members.
The dogs are trained to a level designed to provide physical and emotional support for anxiety and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Veterans who have received an Assistance Dog through the program have described their dogs to be a truly invaluable part of their rehabilitation process.
Our Assistance Dog Program is specifically designed to increase a veteran’s confidence, independence and self-esteem.
Veterans spend eight days working with professional trainers and program staff, learning how to correctly handle, command and care for the animal.
907-915 Boundary Road (entry via Nasho Place)