Farleigh & Northern Beaches Sub Branch
The Farleigh and Northern Beach Sub Branch was established in the Farleigh area but in 2010 expanded to include the Northern Beaches of Mackay. The Sub Branch does not have a permanent premises not a large membership, but the current members are passionate about continuing the charitable work in line with the "Objects of the League". Our base of operations continues to be through the Farview Tavern (the support of which is gratefully appreciated) with meetings and Anzac Dawn Service activities hosted by the tavern.
After some research through archives, it was discovered that the sub-branch was formed on 7 January 1920. Below is the Daily Mercury newspaper article describing the event.
An enthusiastic and most successful meeting of returned soldier’s residents on North Side was held in Farleigh School of Arts on Wednesday last (7 January 1920) for the purpose of forming a sub-branch of the Returned Soldiers' League in that locality. A party of the Mackay District Executive journeyed from town, and Mr. Heidke (District President) took the chair. On the motion of Mr. T. Mulherin it was unanimously decided to from a sub-branch to be known as the North Side Sub-branch R.S.S.I.L.A. Mr. V. Robinson (district delegate) explained at length the objects and purposes of the league, and the present decentralization scheme which was responsible for the formation of these numerous country sub-branches.The election of officers for the forthcoming financial year: President: T.Mulherin Vice-President: H.MulherinSecretary and Treasurer: V.Garner Delegate to District Executive: F.Parsons Committee men: R.Birdett J.Bovey T.Watt L.Garner H.Pardoe W.Duncan R. Chidlow Mr G.Robertson, secretary of Repatriation Committee explained the scope of the regulations of the Repatriation Act and the War Service Homes Act at length, and answered several questions on these subjects. The district secretary (Mr. McKinnon) enrolled five new members and the new sub-branch was launched to further the interests of the returned soldiers and their dependants on the North Side. A meeting of the committee of the sub-branch passed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Christoe for the use of the hall and to the visitors from town, and decided to hold their initial meeting on Wednesday next (14 January 1920), when all returned soldiers who are not yet members will be invited and much business affecting the future welfare of the North Side sub-branch will be discussed. The visitors returned to town at 10:30 p.m. well pleased with the success and enthusiasm shown at the foundation meeting by their comrades of Glenella. Farleigh. and the Leap.
We provide our local Service personnel, Ex-Service personnel and their families with support: financially, Physically and with Advocacy as best we can. If do not have the resources, skills or experience to provide direct support, we will refer those in need to relevant people within the RSL or to external persons/organisations as needed.
- Well-being support
- Emergency Assistance
- Assistance with DVA Claims
- Specialist Services
- Assist Members & Families
- Welfare & Hospital Visits
- Mateship
- Remembrance & Commemorations
General Meetings
We have our meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month (except April - 3rd Wednesday). Meetings are held at the Northern Beaches Bowls Club, commencing at 6:30pm
Commemorative Days
- Remembrance Day