Runaway Bay Sub Branch Inc.
Located at the northern end of the Gold Coast the Runaway Bay RSL Sub Branch has been established since 2002. Our office is situated beside the Seagulls Junior Rugby League Club, 225 Morala Ave, Runaway Bay, with whom we share facilities. The Runaway Bay Sub Branch is part of the Gold Coast District of RSL Queensland.
Runaway Bay Sub Branch enjoys a membership of around 140 with a Board of 7 members elected annually in February.
Meetings are held at Seagulls Rugby League Club monthly on the 3rd Monday at 9.30am (except December) with our Annual General Meeting held each February. Our Sub Branch office is open by appointment only.
A monthly Newsletter is produced to inform members of activities and report on meetings etc.
Each Saturday members enjoy mateship at the Seagulls Club where our meat tray raffles are drawn at 1.30pm. Our Ladies Group is also active with a monthly luncheon and are invited to attend the meetings on every 3rd Monday, joining in the sausage sizzle following the meeting.
Our Anzac Day Services include Dawn Service at 5.00am with a public march commencing 9.30am and Service at 10.00am. Our Anzac Place cenotaph attracts large numbers of the public attending this service and others through the year.
We have an arrangement with Air Force Cadets 221 Sqn in which our Sub Branch offers support with the Squadron attending our Anzac and Remembrance Day Services.
Services offered
Members have access to our Welfare Officer for visitations etc and care is taken to maintain contact with those members requiring medical attention. Other welfare activities include bus tours and/or visitations to Military Museums in SE Qld or the like.
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